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Thursday 4 December 2014

Thank you for looking at our Christmas blog. We made this blog in ICT with Miss Roberts. We hope that you enjoy looking at it as much as we enjoyed making it.
From, class 3 :) 
What do class 3 love doing at Christmas?
playing in the snow
having snow ball fights
going shopping
decorating the house
opening presents
being happy
sitting by the fire
drinking hot chocolate
eating sweets
looking out for reindeer
being with friends and family
counting down to Christmas
opening our advent calendars
looking at Christmas lights on houses
putting up the Christmas tree
making snow angels
wearing Christmas jumpers
going to Christmas markets
going to Christmas discos
eating turkey
singing songs
giving people gifts
putting out our stockings
celebrating the birth of Jesus
There are so many things that we love about Christmas!!

Some of our favourite Christmas jokes...
What hides in a bakery at Christmas?
*a mince spy*
What did one snowman say to the other snowman?
*can you smell carrots?*
Why don't turkeys have Christmas dinner?
*because they're always stuffed*
What do you call an elf that sings?
*a wrapper*
What goes 'oh oh oh'?
*Santa, walking backwards*
What Christmas carol is a parent's favourite?
*silent night*
What do you call it when elves take a picture of themselves?
*an elfie*
HAHAHA!! We hope you like our Christmas jokes... We love them!

What do class 3 like to eat at Christmas?
Christmas pudding
Christmas cake
roast potatoes
mince pies
giant santa chocolate
cauliflower cheese
gingerbread houses with sweets on
gingerbread men
fizzy drinks
hot chocolate
quality street
Our Christmas rap....
Yo ho ho, my raindeer are so pro,
they race through the sky and climb up super high.
But wait until I tell you about my elves,
they make thousands of presents and stack them on the shelves.
Once Mrs Clause made a giant cookie,
don't tell her this, but it was actually quite 'yuckie'!
We are class 3 and this is our rap,
so rap along with us and give us a clap.
YO, HO, HO!!!!